Wednesday, 27 July 2011

171 - blog 2.

This vase is a perfect example of the continuing curve as it is clearly developed in a rococo style, it was also designed with sensuous impulse in mind as it is a vase that cannot even be used as a vase, there is no way of putting flowers in to it.  This proves that it was purely designed from an aesthetic point of view and was in no way purpose built

Sunday, 17 July 2011

171 - Blog 1.

The lightbulb was a very important break through in our society and was invented in 1879 by Thomas Alva Edison. The electric light has become something that we humans take for granted and use every single day.
Even though gas lighting was very popular when Edison managed to perfect the his design of the incandescent lamp it was an instant hit and a great design. This is clearly proven by the fact that we still use it in our modern society everywhere, everyday.